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Shiran Investment Start Ups

Welcome to the frontier of innovation! As part of our commitment to advancing technology and business, we've launched a startup unit to harness the power of emerging technologies and creative ideas. Our startup unit is driven by a strong passion for exploring the realms of artificial intelligence and blockchain. These words aren't just pleasant and intriguing to us; we believe they form the foundation of solutions that,
by leveraging the potential of these technologies, lead to the creation of next-generation products and services. Our mission is to cultivate a culture of innovation and collaboration. We envision a future where technology helps us address our immediate challenges and makes life simpler, safer, and more sustainable. Our collaboration opportunities extend beyond in-house development;
we believe in the power of partnership. Whether you're an entrepreneur with creative ideas or someone passionate about technology and eager to dive into AI and blockchain, this is the place for you. Let's jointly shape the future! While the details of our projects are currently somewhat confidential, our startup unit has planned several major projects. These projects span from AI-based innovations that reshape industries to blockchain systems that bring transparency to complex processes.


We're always on the lookout for fresh talent and bold ideas. In a world where innovation meets execution, let's descend and together, build the technology narrative.​​

Our focus is to leverage the potential of artificial intelligence and blockchain to create innovative solutions.

Get in touch with our team with your ideas, and let's explore the possibilities.

We believe these technologies hold the key to many of the challenges we face today, offering efficient, transparent, and impactful solutions.

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